
What's Wrong is Right - NC-17
Willow's spell backfires, or does it?
Written for the 2007 Fluff-a-thon.
Status: Complete September 9, 2007

Delayed Gratificaton - NC-17
Who says waiting is a bad thing? Written for ironfic Het Challenge.
Status: Complete March 17, 2006

Familiar in a Whole New Way - NC-17
Spike finds more than he was looking for when he goes in search of his sire.
(BtVS - post-Chosen, AtS - post-Destiny)
Status: Complete May 5, 2005

All You Need is Blood - NC-17
Spike figures out what he needs to get out of his wheelchair.
Written for the Winter of Spillow LJ community.
Status: Complete July 6, 2005
* First Place at the Willowy Goodness Awards 2005 (Best Willow Characterization)

Holiday Traditions - PG
Willow shows Spike the joys of the holiday season.
Status: Complete December 14, 2004

Witch's Blood Series

Turning of the Tides - PG-13
Willow confronts Spike after he was tortured by Glory. Written for Vampyre Haven Ficathon.
Status: Complete August 29, 2004
* Winner of The Miss Wicca Award at the Lie To Me Awards Round 2
* Second Place at the Willowy Goodness Awards 2005 (Best Willow/Spike Fic)
* Winner at The Scene Stealer Awards Round 1 (Best Spell)

Blood Track Mind - NC-17
Sequel to 'Turning of the Tides'. Spike can't stop thinking about the taste he had of Willow's blood.
Written for the Shades of Grey BtVS Challenge Fic-a-thon.
Status: Complete September 6, 2004

Repercussions - NC-17
Sequel to 'Blood Track Mind'. Willow and Spike can't seem to stay away from one another,
and are about to pay for it.
Status: Complete March 22, 2005

Doing What Must Be Done - NC-17
Sequel to 'Repercussions'. Willow makes her choice.
Status: Complete October 2, 2006


Thankworthy Days - NC-17
PWP. Spike shows his thanks for Willow's generous offer.
Status: Complete April 1, 2004

An Apple A Day - NC-17
PWP. Willow has a sudden new obsession.
Status: Complete December 25, 2003

Repaying Loans - NC-17
Willow goes to return something to Giles and gets something from Spike in the bargain.
Status: Complete









Disclaimer: The characters of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui, etc.
No copyright infringement is intended. This site is purely for entertainment purposes.